Swedish Lapland

Swedish Lapland

In  Swedish Lapland we have about 250 000 citizens and covers 98,249 sq km – a quarter of Sweden. We are as big as Austria and ten times bigger than the Swedish county of Skåne. 2.8 per cent of Sweden’s population live up here, still we have one of the most modern hospitals you can find in the world, frequent flights all over Sweden and Europe, an awarded university and high-tech centras for tommorows mobile technology. Design and cultural events are close by at all seasons and in daily life!

The normal Lapland citizen are an open person that love to tell about their daily life! Do not be suprised if you are invited to have a cup of coffe, of course the traditional boiled coffe. Laplanders have nature at all times close by which of course can be seen in the great interest of out-door activities as skiing, sailing, camping, fishing and hunting.

We have eight seasons, yes you read right, eight! How come you ask yourself, well we have pre-summer, summer,preautumn, autumn etc. This comes from the life of the rein-deers that are wild and can be seen in all Lapland, owned by the Sami people. Their lifecycle has led to the season variables. Although we have four season, we have a long autumn, long winter which normally starts in december, full winter can be expected from January to April, spring a few weeks in May and summer, June to August. In summer we have the constant daylight and temperatures can reach over 30 degrees, beaches are of pure sand and shallow water, perfect for children!

In Lapland you will discover a full service society and cities full of life, though, wilderness is just 10-15 minutes away at all times. Living standard and infrastucture are at highest international standard!

Five large rivers flushes out sweet water in the sea, the Bothnian Bay. They start their journey 500 km in the North Western mountains. The rivers are unpolluted and rrich of life, filled with different salmonfishes that attracts fishermen from all world. Once reaching the sea the water mixes with salt water and becomes brakkish water, that actually freze during winter. That gives the possibility to discover the White Frozen Ice landscape with snowmobiles or go with your own Icebreaker through the meter thick ice.

The Lappish Food, are today wellknown, at the famous Nobel Dinner many courses comes from Lapland. We have the local caviar, salmonfishes, rein-deer, moose, grouse and lot´s of nutritious berries. Today we have famous chef´s cooking at highest standard, they can prepare a dinner in- or outdoor if you prefer.

Lapland is North parts of Norway, Sweden and Finland. Norway do not have the same conditions wintertime due to the warm Gulf Stream. Though Finland and Sweden are alike. The difference comes to the orginality and genuine feeling,  where Swedish Lapland are the leading destination. Swedish Lapland is not a mass destination. We are the choice for you seeking originality, untouched Lapland without loosing the standard of modern society. Swedish Lapland is for you that are seeking high class products, best possible service and above all for you that want to experience and meet people filled with passion. If this sound like what you are looking for, please, makes us happy and take contact with us! Let us show how Lapland really can be!

We look forward seeing you in Lapland, welcome!








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